HollyDeanArtist: Often Medieval in Mood: Buried Treasure

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Buried Treasure

Seth Apter of The Altered Page has put out a call for "Buried Treasure: Collaborative Participants". The idea is that on July 15th all participating bloggers will re-post one (or more) favourite posts that ever appeared on their blog. That way we can all check out some posts that were put up before we discovered particular blogs and it's a great way to find new blogs to follow!

I signed up and have re-posted two blogs - the first because it reminds me that I want to make more of these tiles and notebooks and the second because it is so hot these days and all that snow helps me feel cooler :) I hope you enjoy them!

Previously posted July 21, 2008 - TILES AND NOTEBOOKS

Just before the Fantasy in the Forest show I decided to create my own tiles, inspired by the four I purchased at a monastery in Australia in 2003. Upon examination I discovered that the collaged images of medieval manuscripts were glued onto tiles and varnished. So I took the photos of my Medieval Journey series of paintings and set to work...really I should say "play". I layered two photos in Photoshop and added a third layer of scanned manuscript writing. Playing with filters, transparency and contrast, I had a blast altering my own art! The possibilities are endless...

I glued each colour laser-printed image onto purchased tiles, carefully trimmed them once the glue had dried and then painted the tile edges with gold. Four coats of varnish were then applied for protection and rubber feet were attached to the bottom to give each tile elevation and to protect surfaces they will sit on. So, they can be used as coasters or wall tiles! It is finicky work, but worth the effort and I was really pleased with the result.

These are nine of the twelve tiles I created...only five were left by the end of the show.

Below is a series of twelve "pocket books" that I created to take to the Grimsby "Wayzgoose", an annual gathering of printers and book artists each April. Each cover is hand-painted and decorated inside and out and the inside pages are blank. They are a small piece of useful pocket art!

These are the fronts...

...and these are the backs.

The pocket books sold well and I created posters of these photos with the added words, "You have to pick a pocket book or two." and "Don't get left behind." The posters were a hit too. They were Laura's idea - thanks Laura! I will be creating each series by the dozen with posters to go along with them. There is only one left from the above series...

Previously posted March 15, 2008 - OH, SNOW!!!

Here is a glimpse of our snow situation. Most of the snow arrived last weekend (March 7, 8, 9) and added to the already considerable piles. The level of snow hasn't really changed except perhaps to rise where the snow and ice falls off the roof. Our studio windows are more than half buried! But pictures tell the story best...

Tthe streets of Merrickville are not quite wide enough for two cars to pass!

Snow can be sculpturally beautiful...no doubt about it. But it is so hard to move around!

Time to excavate the MINI and the van.

Sneak is always a part of our outside "frolics".

Our little guard outside the studio door (by Jamie Brick).

He has never actually disappeared in all this snow!

The drift in front of the living room window.

Larry standing on the drift outside the living room window - he is raking the roof.

Sneak and Tennyson curled up by the wood stove while Larry shovels and rakes.

And here he is now...

View out our dining room window

Same window looking toward the driveway

After raking the back roof


  1. I LOVE your tiles!!! WOWZAH!!! The pocketbooks ar really sweet, and I could do with some snow too 'cause even in the Netherlands, it was hot! Thanks for this inspiring (re)post!

  2. How big are the pocketbooks? It's difficult from the image to get a good idea of size. I really like the idea of a smaller 'journal' that could be used as a sketchbook or notebook, but I like these!

  3. Thanks Marit - keep cool!

    The pocketbooks are pretty small... about 3 x 4.5 inches. They work when you need to take along useful pocket art :)

  4. Great pocket books, great idea.

  5. Amazing work! You know, those pics actually did help me cool down a bit - Thanks :)

  6. I was really impressed with the tiles. I can see why they were such a great seller.

    I've been telling all my blogging friends we need to see shots of last winter when the snow looked about like it does at your place. It helped me cool down a bit. Really "cool" post.

  7. Your notebooks would be inspiring to work in, no wonder they sold well!

  8. The tiles are beautiful, your dogs are cute, but you can keep the snow!

  9. I love the pocket books and would probably love the poster too.Great idea!

  10. what gorgeous tiles with great instructions on how to accomplish this technique. I am putting it on my new listing of things to try. The books sound great as well. Very inspiring. THanks so much for selecting these. Lots to think about - thanks so much for stirring my creative juices!!



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