HollyDeanArtist: Often Medieval in Mood: Studio day.

Monday, July 09, 2012

Studio day.

Mixed media paintings, objets d'art, book arts. All in-the-making in anticipation of upcoming shows and exhibits.

I'm in the studio for the day and it feels fantastic! The next two days will be spent in the same manner. So many ideas to explore.


  1. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!! I can't get back into my studio space until Wednesday...my youngest daughter has taken it over while she makes her "outfits" for the upcoming Comic Con in San Diego!

    1. Wow! I bet her outfits will be awesome! I have scheduled Mon, Tue & Wed as studio time on a regular basis. It has been working so far :)

  2. Lovely to get a glimpse of your studio, Holly. Nice to see where the inspiration comes to life.

  3. I love getting peaks into other artist's studios. It really is fun!



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