HollyDeanArtist: Often Medieval in Mood: Dreams into action.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Dreams into action.

Happy Easter everyone!

I am spending the day reading and writing. Art, book art, photography, calligraphy, video, studio & online workshops, mentoring - all are in the mix.

My new creative offerings will appear soon.

And in the spirit of adventure, I will be painting a BMW race car this Friday with Rena Upitis! Calligraphic racing quotes are floating through my mind. This event will be documented in photos and video, so I will be able to share the experience with you.

A new chapter indeed.

What adventure will you invite into your life?


  1. Good luck with the painting of the racing car - I remember when racing car green was my favourite thing!!! Can't wait to see what you do - wow!!

    1. I always loved British racing car green and I did have a car that colour. This race car is a lovely green with gold metallic flecks. Once the car hits the race track, I can reveal the pictures :)



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